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How To Pick The Right Wedding Venue

A lot can be said about weddings. Besides having children, a wedding is the most important day in a person’s life.  While many will be talking about the newlyweds for some time, there’s something else people will be clamoring about in the days (and possibly months) after the momentous occasion: the venue.

            Much goes into the planning and coordination of a wedding, from how many guests will be in attendance to making sure everything goes without a hitch. It can be very stressful and daunting at first, but a few things need to be kept in mind. One of the first points would be the guests. How many will be in attendance? If you’re expecting a handful of close friends and relatives, there’s little need to have a massive place as empty seats and vacant spaces convey the wrong image. You want your guests to feel close to each other as they all share in your joy on your special day. On the other hand, if the venue is too small, there’d be the possibility of turning away guests as they try and fit in a cramped room. Make sure you account for all possibilities in your location.

Photo Booths for Weddings

            With a guest count in mind, have a look around at event centers and other various places where you can host your venue. Take note in parking, scenery, and accessibility options. If your event is outdoors and the weather calls for rain, can you easily move it indoors? Is the place visually pleasing (both inside and out)? Your guests will be sitting for some time, so lighting and decorations are definitively things you’ll need to consider. Never rush on a location because of price or convenience. You don’t want your guests to feel you opted for a run-down place. Of course, you must keep your budget in mind, but parks, large homes, and rented-out restaurants provide the space and options to entertain guests while not having to spend on special cost-prohibitive services.

            Food. Everyone will be expecting something to tie them over while speeches and dances fill the room as you share your first dance as a married couple.  Catering is an important part as you’ll have to consider the appetites of everyone. Offer a variety of food and drinks while avoiding spicy foods and anything that may be allergic to some guests. Depending on whether it’s a formal or casual wedding, drinks and alcohol should be provided to ease guests, so use discretion on what you offer.

            Lastly, ensure general things like lighting and power are taken into consideration. If the event is indoors, try and give them a spectacular view of the cityscape or beautiful trees and mountains. If that’s not possible, be sure there’s ample lighting and you have decorations to compensate. In addition, be sure there are plenty of power outlets for lighting, as well as any extra things you may need like a DJ, a photo booth for your wedding, or anything else that may need to be set up in different areas of your venue. Accessibility is key.

            Once you have a place in mind, much of the stress involved is typically alleviated. With ample parking, great food and entertainment, decorations, and plenty of friends and family, your event will be sure to succeed. 

Also have a look at our favorite venue – Oasis Ballroom

PS – Take a look at our other Dallas Photo Booth Rental options!

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